Haunt Us with the most inspiring highlighting and pertinent information with your ppt.Paper presentation is the most expected and exciting Event.
- Wireless Technology
- Digital Signal/Image/Speech/Video Processing
- Network Security
- Nano Technology
- Cloud Computing
- Cryptography
- Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence
**Not Only Limited To This Topic
- Abstract should sent on or before sept. 7th and papers before 11th
- Each team can contain maximum of three members.
- The papers should be in standard IEEE format.
- Each team will be given 15 minutes. (10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Queries).
- Participants are requested to bring hard and soft copies.
- Participants must send these details along with the paper
- Participants should send their Abstract
- Name of the participants.
- College, department and year of study.
- Contact details – Mobile No. and Email-id.
- Mail your Papers Presentation to inspireitz14@gmail.com
- Confirmation will be sent through mail or text message.